Dr Fauci | Bill Gates | Joe Biden | RFK Jr
In this video we review and compile a couple key points from 4 previous videos listed below…
Each of these videos listed below elaborates or conflate other topics in addition to the key points I wanted to point out in one single video.
What is mRNA and does it relate to Gene Therapy?
What is traditional Vaccine and how does it differ from Gene Therapy or the mRNA Vaccine/Gene Therapy?
How does Anti-Biotic Resistance relate to President Joe Bidens Mass Vaccination Mandates/Requirements from a medical perspective?
And Why is mRNA Vaccines so controversial?
To answer the Why is mRNA Vaccines/Gene Therapy so Controversial, is because its actually a Gene Therapy which has never been approved for use before. Also, who is pulling the strings, and look at what a Gene Therapy is capable of doing, everything from Genetically Modified Foods, Treat or cause disease by altering genes, use your own body to create and spread viruses, antibodies, or even deliver drugs into the heart of a cell and poison it to kill the cell similar to gene therapy.
Some of the more notable or visible characters are Bill Gates and the Bill Gates Foundation in concert with many other Foundations who appears to have achieve regulatory capture over the National Institutes of Health, and their Directors such as De Anthony Fauci.
Because of NIH & Dr Fauci’s involvement in both HIV/AIDS and the Covid-19 Pandemics, we can see many Parallels in the chain of events, as we see history repeating itself.
We also review Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s role in developing the covid-19 virus, and its release. But also, Dr Fauci’s role in funding the virus development. If we put the politics aside, we see a coordinated effort by American, China and presumably many other members of the United Nations developing Bio Weapons together.
I’m wondering if they have been systematically releasing these virus all along, ie the common cold, and or the annual bird and swine flue out breaks. measles and mumps, ebola ext…
How do we know that many of modern disease were not caused by big Pharma, and NIH and their counter parts globally?
Just look at all the people that were harmed or died as the result of taking chemotherapy over the past 40+years. Not to mention people taking anti-viral drugs/chemotherapy for HIV/AIDS? We see Pfizer & Friends trying to use the same anti-viral/chemotherapy drugs for Covid-19…
We also know in addition to Bill Gates Foundation & Friends do not only work on Vaccines for future Pandemics, but Population Control, Contraception for India, Africa and other 3rd world nations. These all appears to be forms of eugenics, which the Rockefeller Foundation was famous for in the 1930’s which Hilter’s Germany learned from and used in WW2 ie the 3rd Reich and Final Solution.
My point is we can not trust these Foundations because they are not interested in philanthropy it is Eugenics. Bill Gates & the Global Elite are many things, stupid is not one of them.
These foundations are many things but stupid is not one of them, they are malicious, wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. Beware.