In this episode we review review the events leading up to January 20th 2021 Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day.
We see “The Great Purge” continue by Big Tech(Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon ext), shortly after the 2020 Election, use the January 6th 2021 march on Washington DC & Capitol Hill, as an excuse to purge Libertarians, Patriots, Republicans, and anyone who contradicts the Democratic Narrative, or says the Elections were rigged, or even supported Trump as declaring them as Domestic Terrorist.
As we review the events leading up to January 20th 2021 Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day, we see President George W Bush Jr, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama come together united against President Donald Trump, in support of Joe Biden’s installation as President.
Its important we remember the sequence of events because those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
If Big tech, the Billionaires Class working hand in glove with the NSA and Intelligence Community domestically and abroad, can rig an election in order to steal the Presidency, the Senate, the Congress then Democracy, the Republic is over.
We are no longer living in a Republic, or a Democracy, we are living under Fascism, controlled by the Intelligence Community, in conjunction with Globalism, aka the Great Reset. The Globalist are not even trying to hide it anymore, this is Davos Agenda 2021.
Agenda 21 is right on schedule, 2021=1984=today.