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Joe Biden | Town Hall

In this video we watch Joe Biden’s Town Hall… Joe Biden is a puppet of the Deep State, and is clearly moving quickly threw executive order and in concert with Democrats & Republican Establishment RINO’s to reestablish the Globalist Agenda’s, Agenda 21 is right on time.

This includes reestablish unfair and none non reciprocal trade practices with China, in order to strength Communist China, while weakening Americans in order to advance the Great Reset, by crippling the American Middle Class, and Small Buisness while enriching Corporate America, and Globalist Cronies.

We also see the American Left, Progressives and Democrat Party excuse Antifa, BLM rioting and burning down American Cities, while condemning MAGA, Libertarian, and Conservative Americans declaring them Domestic Terrorist, followed by legislation to attack and suppress all Americans who oppose Globalism, threw censorship, Deplatforming, and weaponizing the Department of Justice, the FBI, District Attorney(s), and the Police Department(s) to selectively enforce the law for thee and not for me.

Welcome to 1930’s Germany circa America 2021. American Democracy is a joke, the Republic is dead, the constitution has been shredded. There is no rule of law, we have owners who think they own you. The question is do they? Do they really? Its a time for choosing.

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The Great Purge

In this episode we review review the events leading up to January 20th 2021 Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day.

We see “The Great Purge” continue by Big Tech(Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon ext), shortly after the 2020 Election, use the January 6th 2021 march on Washington DC & Capitol Hill, as an excuse to purge Libertarians, Patriots, Republicans, and anyone who contradicts the Democratic Narrative, or says the Elections were rigged, or even supported Trump as declaring them as Domestic Terrorist.

As we review the events leading up to January 20th 2021 Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day, we see President George W Bush Jr, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama come together united against President Donald Trump, in support of Joe Biden’s installation as President.

Its important we remember the sequence of events because those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

If Big tech, the Billionaires Class working hand in glove with the NSA and Intelligence Community domestically and abroad, can rig an election in order to steal the Presidency, the Senate, the Congress then Democracy, the Republic is over.

We are no longer living in a Republic, or a Democracy, we are living under Fascism, controlled by the Intelligence Community, in conjunction with Globalism, aka the Great Reset. The Globalist are not even trying to hide it anymore, this is Davos Agenda 2021.

In sum,
Agenda 21 is right on schedule, 2021=1984=today.
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Social Credit


In this video we review Silicon Valley’s attempt to censor, silence and deplatform Donald Trump, and #MAGA from the internet as part of a great attempt to control the American population.

However, President Trump was not the end gaol, he never was. Trump was someone the American People voted into power to stop our Political Class from selling out Americans Severity, in exchange for personal gain, wealth, power, and a positioning themselves within the Global New World Order.

“The New World Order” as George H W Bush Sr put it, was a plan to incorporate America as merely on state within the UN (United Nations), thereby bypassing Americans Democratic Republic, in favor or an unelected Bureaucratic Technocracy, only the Globalist Control.

Unfortunately, this is Global Communism.

The methods to control everyone, is done threw banking and financing, technology, energy, and politics…

Freedom of Religion, will be replaced with no religion.

Free speech is replaced with no speech, punishable by wrong think, and revoking your ability to earn a living, finance a venture, or and possible slavery via concentration camps aka.

Free Education, is merely code for Indoctrination of the youth, and ReEducation Camps for the Adults. Failure to comply will result in slavery labor, extermination, and or organ harvesting demonstrated in Communist China.

World War 3 has already begun, the Halocast of 10’s of millions China Weegers, dissidence, Christians, Jews, and Muslims continues since 2000’s to today 2021.

Contact Tracing, Mass Surveillance, Censorship, Media Propaganda are now online, and have been used to take President Trump, and will be applied to all of supporters, independents, libertarians, ext.

The useful fools, via academics, wannabe Communist Authoritarians, will also be enslaved by their own hand.

Those who see what is happened, Marched on Washinton DC January 6th, 2021.

Which the Biden Administration will use to crack down on decent.

In sum,

We are living a Orwellian Dystopia, 1984=Today. As George Orwel said, “The Lesson to be drawn, is Don’t let it happen, it’s up to you.”

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Greed vs Communism

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Life & Death | 5 Stages of Grief

Concept Art illustrated by Joshua Lindsay, thoughts about Life & Death.

In this illustration, I was thinking about Life & Death as I illustrated these lovely ladies from Comic Con dressed up in Cosplay ie Super Hero’s. As a child of the 1980’s, growing up towards the end of the cold war, Comic books were as popular then as Comic book movies are today in 2020. But in these stories, as a young child I was reading about Life & Death, these super hero’s were like Gods or Demi Gods, who decided who lives and who dies.

I also remembered during this time, my grand father died. I remember reading about the 5 stages of Grief people go threw when someone who played a fundamental role in your life dies… including contemplating my own mortality, as both a 5 year old, and today as as 30 something.

Which reminds me of what many Religious Leaders and followers talk about in their lectures and writings, which lead me to try to understand the Super Natural, or the Universe in general. The TV show Lost did this as well.

Questions always arise, when I am thinking about the Universe and my place in it. Questions like, Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? What happens to our Spirt when we die? Do we have a Spirt, or is this life all we have?… These are all questions one asks, as they awake up from whatever delusions, or day dream, disguise as belief system, or an ideology.

Comic books are manifestation of the Artist & Writers imagination, who appear to be contemplating Good v Evil, Life & Death as well.

It seems to me “Self Delusion” is like a spell we cast upon ourselves to avoid contemplating our own mortality, and the harsh reality of our Lives;

The scariest aspect of this thought, is not knowing.

This video, was an attempt to take myself threw the 5 stages of Grief. The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

Audio quotes,
George Carlin “Education”…
Bill Burr: “Divorce Settlements – Gold Digging Whores”…
Ricky Gervais’ Monologue – 2020 Golden Globes…
The Devils Advocate, “Call me Dad”…
W, “Born Again”…
Lost Series Finale, “Moving On Jack”…

Nirvana – “Smells Like Teen Spirit” | Music Box
The Cranberries – “Zombie” | Piano
Elvis Presley – Always On My Mind, live

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Who are the Justice Democrats?

Omar Ilhan & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were installed by the “Justice Democrats”, founded on January 23, 2017 by Cenk Uygur & Kyle Kulinski of “The Young Turks” (TYT) who merged with “” founded by Saikat Chakrabarti a former Bernie Sanders staffer……

“Justice Democrats”, interviewed 10,000+ people nominated by their progressive doners, until they found people in each district they are/were targeting, including Omar Ilhan & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and 5 others [aúl Grijalva, Ro Khanna, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Pramila Jayapal] as of 2019.…

Saikat Chakrabarti who is now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Chief of Staff and reported “boyfriend”, is now indicted for illegal campaign money laundering…

“Justice Democrats” claim they are “Progressives” which is code for “Socialist/Communist”…

“Justice Democrats” are Anti-American & Pro-Illegal-Aliens… their strategy is to install and replace Establishment Democrats within Congress and then the Senate, in order to acquire power and corrupt the law in favor of Communism hence the “Green New Deal” which is communism disguised as Environmentalism ie watermellon-communist……

“Justice Democrats” do not view themselves as Democrats; in fact they despise Democrats, they refer to them as Corporate Democrats or Establishment Democrats, who are no different then Republicans ie “the enemy”…

“Justice Democrats” are parasites within the Democratic party who are trying to leach power from the Federal Government in the name of Democrats. This way they do not have to establish a 3rd party or another “Socialist/Communist Party” which is still technically illegal since “Communist Control Act of 1954”, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower.…

“Justice Democrats”, have already pushed out both Cenk Uygur, and Kyle Kulinski, although both still support “Justice Democrats”, as both Cenk & Kyle’s youtube audience are progressives who support the “Justice Democrats”, therefore are intertwined with them regardless… with friends like that, who needs enemies…

People involved:

– Saikat Chakrabarti

– Cenk Uygur

– Kyle Kulinski

– Alexandra Rojas

– Zack Exley

– Omar Ilhan

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

– Aúl Grijalva

– Ro Khanna – Ayanna Pressley

– Rashida Tlaib – Pramila Jayapal

– Bernie Sanders

Organizations involved:

– “The Young Turks”

– “Secular Talk”

– “Justice Democrats”

– Bernie Sanders Campaign 2016/2020


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Did Jussie Smollett act alone?


Did Jussie Smollett Act Alone? Did Kamala Harris & Cory Booker conspire with Jussie Smollett and or other democrats? Did Kamala Harris & Cory Booker get lucky? ie Jussie Smollett just so happens to fake a Lynching, two weeks before they attempted to get the Senate to pass what they called the “Anti-Lynching Act”, also known as the “Justice for Victims of Lynchging Act”, on February 14th of 2019, Valentines day?…

Why are we talking about Lynchings in the year 2019? Civil rights Act was passed in 1964, 55 years ago.…

What is the purpose of the Anti-Lynching Act? Given both Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have accused President Trump and all who oppose them racist, I suspect they wish to use any and all provision in the Justice for Victims of lynching Act to imprison anyone and everyone who uses social media, email, phones will crimes that could result in 10 years – Life. Why does Kamala Harris confuse vehicle manslaughter with lynching, when by definition it is vehicle manslaughter and not homicide with a rope?

Why did Bernie Sanders, joined the crowd in accusing Trump, and all Trumps supporters ie MAGA, of being racist, bigoted, homophobic, semantic, and islamophobic, and white suprematist…

We can expect all three Democrat Presidential candidates to promote racism and violence leading up to the 2020 presidential election. As for Jussie Smollett specifically…

it is suspicious he has access to President Obama’s Administration on a personal level, and has been recognized by Michele Obama by name publicly on national Television at the White house, prior to his attempt to blame his lynching hoax on Republican President Trump, and Trump Supporters ie MAGA, and while trying to promote LGBT & BLM movement(s).

No one should be surprised if Jussie Smollett was not acting alone, and did this to further create a Race War in America, and attention for himself. However, serous inquiry is required to see if there is in fact a connection.

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NPC, None Player Character(s)