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American Zionist

The video explores a Lecture given in the early 2000’s about the political connections of previous presidents to secret societies, such as the Skull & Bones, The illuminate, The Occult… 

In this lecture, official organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Tri lateral the Trilateral Commission were founded by David Rockefeller, and many other notable businessmen who fomented wars to gain control over minerals, oil, and business globally… 

This lecture also attempts to show a shared connection to these elite international organizations, and secret societies are rooted in Occutism, and have had a hand in funding Adolf Hiltler’s Nazi Germany, and Russian and Chinese Communism. 

While this may be perceived as Conspiracy Theory, it is actually a well documented story outlined in Hollywood movies such as India Jones Raiders of the lost Arch & the Last crusade directed and written by George Lucas and Steven Spellberg… The movies plot outlines the Nazi obsession with Occultism, Judeo-Christian history and archeology in the Middle East, and Europe during world war 2, which includes Egyptology, the Knights Templar, and the Crusades.

Finally, the lecture ends with pointing out the Bush Families involvement in funding Nazi Germany during WW2, threw the Union Banking Corporation(UBC) who was founded by Senator Prescott Bush and his father in law George Herbert Walker(Grand Father, and Great grand Fathers to President George H W Bush, and President George W Bush), among other international Banks such as Deutsche Bank, and Chase Bank, who were prosecuted by the United States Government under the The Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) of 1917, and Executive Order No. 9095 in 1942 during world war 2 to “””assume control and dispose of enemy-owned property in the United States and its possessions”””

Also, this lecture points out George H W Bush & Kissinger founded the Carlyle Group, who have been taking control over the American Media to control and censor information.  

In sum, this lecture was a very interesting look threw American History, Relgion and Secret Societies.


Art facebook film podcast politics video youtube

Mind Control | MK Ultra

What is MK Ultra, ie Mind Control and how does it work? This video explores a story told by Cathy O’Brien to answer this question at least in theory.

According to wikipedia August 2020…)

“”” Cathy O’Brien or Cathleen Ann O’Brien is an American conspiracy theorist and author who claims to be a victim of a government mind control program called “Project Monarch” which she alleges was part of the CIA’s Project MKUltra. In Trance Formation of America, O’Brien claims that as a child, she was first sexually abused by her father as well as by a network of child pornographers.

Supposedly, she was then forced by the CIA to participate in Project Monarch, which she claims is a subsection of Project MKUltra and Project ARTICHOKE. According to O’Brien, under hypnosis she was able to recall memories of sexual abuse — of both herself and her daughter — by international pedophile rings, drug barons, and satanists, who allegedly used a form of “trauma based mind control programming” to make her a sex slave. “””

What I find interesting about Cathy’s story, is it coincide with Iran Contra, and names names ie the Regan, Bush, and Clinton Administrations as well as Senator Robert C Byrd, and others. Cathy also claims these rituals are not only being used on children to enslave the masses, but also used to recruit and select future world leaders as described by the story of the Manchurian Candidate. who were/are being used and blackmailed to create a One World Government combining Church & State.

A truly extraordinary story, with one problem, what if it was true? What if Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell’s human trafficking operation was in fact a internationally sanctioned sex trafficking ring? hence Prince Andrews involvement with Jeffery Epstein & Gislaine Maxwell. What if NXIVM mind control was not a random sex cult? What if Hollywood & the Country Music industry was intentionally making Satanic Music Videos to normalize these activities?

What if the Liberal News Media is intentionally disseminate misinformation ie Lies to distort the truth?

In sum, What if? Often reality is stranger than fiction.