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40+ years of HIV/AIDS, Covid 19 What have learned?

In this video we review some controversial discussions about HIV and AIDS. Specifically does HIV cause AIDS? Dr Peter Duesberg is a Professor at UC Berkeley claims people can and do produce anti bodies against HIV, therefore HIV does not cuase AIDS, instead Duesberg claims recreational drug use destroyed the bodies immune response which coinsides with the discovery of HIV.

Also Dr Peter Duesberg claims the Anti Viral Drugs AIDS patients use to treat HIV are toxic such as Zidovudine (ZDV) also known as azidothymidine (AZT) which kill the patients healthy cells along with any virus, in addition to the cocain, methamphetamine and excessive alcohol use of the 1970’s & 1980’s.

The film tells the story of Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey), an AIDS patient diagnosed in the mid 1980s when HIV/AIDS treatments were under-researched, while the disease was not understood and highly stigmatized. As part of the experimental AIDS treatment movement, he smuggled unapproved pharmaceutical drugs into Texas for treating his symptoms, and distributed them to fellow people with AIDS by establishing the “Dallas Buyers Club” while facing opposition from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Also, we review many celebrities who live with the risk of catching HIV in the Porn Industry, and Hollywood, such as Lisa Ann, Charlie Sheen, jenny McCarthy, Michael Jordan ext.

Also, we listen to Dr Anthony Fauci who was also at the fore front of HIV/AIDS in the 1980-2020, and the Bill Gates Foundation who has been funding research in the fight against HIV/AIDS from 2000-2020…

We also hear news of how HIV AIDS research is used in research against Cancer. Specifically, GE Global Research release a video claiming to have a treatment using the HIV virus against Leukemia Cancer Cells.

Also, we learn about Gene Therapy which uses many kinds of viruses including HIV to alter the genetics of foods GMO, and Genetic defects in people as Medicine… We also learn Gene Therapy is used to create genetic defects against mosquitoes to limit the mosquitoes population.

In sum, we’ve learned alot about virues, and its not what we thought back in the 1980’s.
Art facebook film podcast politics video video youtube

Operation Rigor | Hunt for Osama Bin Laden

In this video we hear a story by Alan Parrott who claims to have been a Falconer in the Middle East with access to Saudi Arabia’s Royal Family, and Osama Bin Ladin during the War on Terror post 9/11.

Alan speaks with some Military Veteran(Nick Noe) and family members(Charles Woods… ), who were involved in, and documenting lost Stinger missile systems from Benghazi, which were claimed to have been used to shoot down Seal Team 6’s helicopter in 2011, shortly after killing Osama Bin Ladin in Pakistan… The primary claim in this video, was Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton & Friends knew where Osama Bin Ladin was but postponed capturing Osama Bin Ladin in order to protect Iran who was harboring Bin Ladin on behalf of a rouge arm of the CIA lead by Joe Biden, Clapper, and Friends…

and in favor of a Trophy Kill of Osama Bin Ladin… The other disturbing claim in this video was Seal Team Six was murdered in order to cover up the fact that the man they killed in Pakistan was not Osama Bin Ladin, but a body double…

Also, the American Benghazi Embassy was allowed to be attacked and over run in order to cover up the weapons(stinger missile system) that were sold at the embassy weapons cache that was later used to strike the Seal Team Six’s helicopter. All of which was because Iran still had Osama Bin Laden, and the Obama Administration supposedly did not in fact kill Osama Bin Ladin even though they claimed to have. The evidence Alan Parrott claimed to have was supposedly delivered to the Donald Trump Jr, who was suppose to give it to President Donald Trump. We are still waiting to see this evidence. However, if any of this is true…

Does this mean Osama Bin Laden is still alive in Iran captivity?

Did the Obama Administration give $152 billion to Iran to cover up the fact Osama Bin Laden is still alive?

Did Iran use this money to fund ISIS caliphate? We do not know, but those are that is the claim Alan Parrott made, and says he has evidence of…