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President Trump, illustrated by Joshua Lindsay, 2017

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Sampson illustrated by Joshua Lindsay, 3/11/2020

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Ilhan Omar is a member of the Justice Democrats aka “the squad” of 4 female congress women who hate America. Reportedly they have been supporting and sided with Hamas & Hezbollah, by actively promoting Legislation in Congress to Boycot Israel.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (also known as BDS) is a global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets what the campaign describes as Israel’s “obligations under international law”, defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories.

BDS Supporters have allied themselves with Hamas & Hezbollah, both of which the American State Department has designated as a Terrorist Organizations, who seek to expel the Jewish people from Israel formerly know as Palestine.

Israel is a American Ally in the Middle East, along with Saudi Arabia.

However, according to Osama Bin Laden, American support and protection of Israel, enabled Israel to occupy Palestine which the Muslims consider their holy land ie Mecca, and is the reason for Al Qaeda to declare Jihad against America, and was the pretext to the 9/11 Terrorist Attack.

The Justice Democrats have publicly announced their plans to install more Progressives aka Socialist/Communist/Anti-Americans who are hostile to Liberals and the Democratic Party, in addition to Republicans and America in General, on The Young Turks(TYT) youtube Channel. Justice Democrats Stated Objective is to acquire legislative power from the Democratic Party at the Federal Level, in order to install more Communist and Socialist Legislation in the Congress, in order to corrupt and take over the Federal Government from the inside out, while aiding and abetting enemies abroad who are hostile to America and Americans, and their Allies.

Ilhan Omar, and the other Justice Democrats sworn into Congress have broken their Oath of Office.

According to this statute, officials must “solemnly swear (or affirm)” that they “will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

Matthew 6:24 – No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other;

This is why McCarthyism was necessary to root out all Communist/Socialist within Government in 1950–1954. Perhaps we need to purge communist from Government once again in 2019,

In addition to purging Socialist/Communist domestically, Ilhan Omar along with the other Justice Democrats proven we are still in a global war with Jihadist in the War on Terrorism, and Hunt for WMDs. ~ “Hamas” — is a Palestinian Sun~ni-Islamist fundamentalist organization. It has a social service wing, Dawah, and a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. It has been the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip since its takeover of that area in 2007. During this period it fought several wars with Israel.

“Hezbollah” — also transliterated Hizbullah, Hizballah, etc.—is a Shi’a Islamist political party and militant group based in Lebanon. Hezbollah’s paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council, and its political wing is Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc party in the Lebanese parliament.

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Life & Death | 5 Stages of Grief

Concept Art illustrated by Joshua Lindsay, thoughts about Life & Death.

In this illustration, I was thinking about Life & Death as I illustrated these lovely ladies from Comic Con dressed up in Cosplay ie Super Hero’s. As a child of the 1980’s, growing up towards the end of the cold war, Comic books were as popular then as Comic book movies are today in 2020. But in these stories, as a young child I was reading about Life & Death, these super hero’s were like Gods or Demi Gods, who decided who lives and who dies.

I also remembered during this time, my grand father died. I remember reading about the 5 stages of Grief people go threw when someone who played a fundamental role in your life dies… including contemplating my own mortality, as both a 5 year old, and today as as 30 something.

Which reminds me of what many Religious Leaders and followers talk about in their lectures and writings, which lead me to try to understand the Super Natural, or the Universe in general. The TV show Lost did this as well.

Questions always arise, when I am thinking about the Universe and my place in it. Questions like, Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? What happens to our Spirt when we die? Do we have a Spirt, or is this life all we have?… These are all questions one asks, as they awake up from whatever delusions, or day dream, disguise as belief system, or an ideology.

Comic books are manifestation of the Artist & Writers imagination, who appear to be contemplating Good v Evil, Life & Death as well.

It seems to me “Self Delusion” is like a spell we cast upon ourselves to avoid contemplating our own mortality, and the harsh reality of our Lives;

The scariest aspect of this thought, is not knowing.

This video, was an attempt to take myself threw the 5 stages of Grief. The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

Audio quotes,
George Carlin “Education”…
Bill Burr: “Divorce Settlements – Gold Digging Whores”…
Ricky Gervais’ Monologue – 2020 Golden Globes…
The Devils Advocate, “Call me Dad”…
W, “Born Again”…
Lost Series Finale, “Moving On Jack”…

Nirvana – “Smells Like Teen Spirit” | Music Box
The Cranberries – “Zombie” | Piano
Elvis Presley – Always On My Mind, live

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Princess Leia, the Moon, and Mars…

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Sam Harris v Batman by Joshua Lindsay 4/18/2020

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Cosplay, Illustrated by Joshua Lindsay 4/10/2020

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Illustrated by Joshua Lindsay 4/10/2020

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Sam Harris v Batman

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Starwars, SpaceX, NASA, Mars, Flat Earth

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In this video, I begin with an illustration of Princes Leia by Joshua Lindsay while thinking about SpaceX mission to the Moon, and Mars… Often while drawing, I spend the time thinking…

Illustrating Princes Leia caused me to think about Starwars, my time at Lucas Film, my dads career in Aerospace, and my career in Silicon Valley & the San Francisco Bay area. in the year 2020 you can not talk about Aerospace or Silicon Valley without talking about NASA, SpaceX, and Elon Musk. As we watch Starlink deploy 5G, SpaceX take on the Airforce’s backlog of $100 billion of space missions, and Trumps announcement of Space Force.

It occurred to me that Elon Musk is now rubbing shoulders with the Department of Defense(DOD), and Department of Energy(DOE), who is control of the nuclear stockpile among other things that have to do with space travel. Could it be, the DOD & DOE, just gave Elon Musk their top 10 wish list of goods and services they wanted, and now Elon is making companies around each wish list item? I’m guessing they also gave the same wish list to Jeff Bazos of Blue Origin & Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic.

Consider Starlink… Musk recently created starlink to deploy/manage 300 5G satellites globally, which could double as Energy Weapons in addition to Global Communication Platform as well as global energy transfer aka trickle charge.

Consider SpaceX, which is now taking over the Shuttle missions to resupply the International Space Station(ISS), and planing to both manned and unmanned missions to the Moon, and Mars. Consider Tesla, and the Cyber Truck, which appears to be a truck for the Moon & Mars, not just Earth. Why does your average consumer need a bullet proof truck, with airlock? Maybe it was designed to operate in space, or on the Moon, or perhaps Mars.

All of which reminded me of the origins of NASA, and its ties to project paper clip which imported Nazi Germans Rocket Scientist Wernher Von Braun who had visions of going to the moon, all threw WW2, and the cold war Von Braun achieved his aim of going to the moon, and laid out plans to goto Mars as well. Could it be Elon is simply taking those plans and visions and turning them into business? Granted, Elon would have received these ideals and concepts form NASA, but Starlink, the Boring Company, Giga Factory, Tesla, SpaceX, Hyper Loop, Solar City all sound like tools and technologies NASA needs to colonize the Moon, Mars and the rest of the solar system.

Just say’n …