In this video we review and compile a couple key points from 4 previous videos listed below…
Each of these videos listed below elaborates or conflate other topics in addition to the key points I wanted to point out in one single video.
What is mRNA and does it relate to Gene Therapy?
What is traditional Vaccine and how does it differ from Gene Therapy or the mRNA Vaccine/Gene Therapy?
How does Anti-Biotic Resistance relate to President Joe Bidens Mass Vaccination Mandates/Requirements from a medical perspective?
And Why is mRNA Vaccines so controversial?
To answer the Why is mRNA Vaccines/Gene Therapy so Controversial, is because its actually a Gene Therapy which has never been approved for use before. Also, who is pulling the strings, and look at what a Gene Therapy is capable of doing, everything from Genetically Modified Foods, Treat or cause disease by altering genes, use your own body to create and spread viruses, antibodies, or even deliver drugs into the heart of a cell and poison it to kill the cell similar to gene therapy.
Some of the more notable or visible characters are Bill Gates and the Bill Gates Foundation in concert with many other Foundations who appears to have achieve regulatory capture over the National Institutes of Health, and their Directors such as De Anthony Fauci.
Because of NIH & Dr Fauci’s involvement in both HIV/AIDS and the Covid-19 Pandemics, we can see many Parallels in the chain of events, as we see history repeating itself.
We also review Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s role in developing the covid-19 virus, and its release. But also, Dr Fauci’s role in funding the virus development. If we put the politics aside, we see a coordinated effort by American, China and presumably many other members of the United Nations developing Bio Weapons together.
I’m wondering if they have been systematically releasing these virus all along, ie the common cold, and or the annual bird and swine flue out breaks. measles and mumps, ebola ext…
How do we know that many of modern disease were not caused by big Pharma, and NIH and their counter parts globally?
Just look at all the people that were harmed or died as the result of taking chemotherapy over the past 40+years. Not to mention people taking anti-viral drugs/chemotherapy for HIV/AIDS? We see Pfizer & Friends trying to use the same anti-viral/chemotherapy drugs for Covid-19…
We also know in addition to Bill Gates Foundation & Friends do not only work on Vaccines for future Pandemics, but Population Control, Contraception for India, Africa and other 3rd world nations. These all appears to be forms of eugenics, which the Rockefeller Foundation was famous for in the 1930’s which Hilter’s Germany learned from and used in WW2 ie the 3rd Reich and Final Solution.
My point is we can not trust these Foundations because they are not interested in philanthropy it is Eugenics. Bill Gates & the Global Elite are many things, stupid is not one of them.
These foundations are many things but stupid is not one of them, they are malicious, wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. Beware.
In this video we review the threats made President Joe Biden against the 80+ Unvaccinated Americans.
Specifically, President Joe Biden claims unvaccinated Americans will somehow or another infect Vaccinated Americans. Declaring the Pandemoniac is a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated…
As opposed to a Pandemic caused by a Level 4 Weapons Lab Wuhan China, funded in part by both the Chinese Government and Dr Fauci threw the NHI(National Health Institutes)
On one Biden claims the Vaccine will prevent infection, but on the other hand in the same breath claims the Vaccine will not prevent infection because of the Americans who choose not to be Vaccinated for whatever reason.
We also know mass vaccination is likely to create super variants of the virus just as the over use of antibiotics creates anti-biotic resistance strains of bacteria. Therefore, forcing everyone to be vaccinated with mRNA which is not a vaccine but Gene Therapy, will create 1000’s of variation of the corna virus which will spread from the vaccinated to everyone with new strains of the Virus. This is why the flu shot never works, because there are 1000’s of variations or mutations created every year, and the strain of the virus will not necessarily prevent infection from the other strains.
We also know that you can spread a virus threw vaccine, where there was no virus… This is called vaccine derived infections. Meaning you can actually make a population of people sick with polio, or influenza where there was no polio or influenza. Apparently in India and Africa, the Bill Gates Foundation spreed polio by giving contaminated ineffective polio vaccines. This type of information about vaccine derived infection regarding the Bill Gates Foundation is often scrubbed from search results, or flagged as debunked or fake news on social networks, but that did not stop the Indian Government from banning the Gates foundation and other NGO’s from operating in their borders for spreading polio and sterilization via vaccines.
Here is the Gates foundation version of events on the subject of polio in India,
Here’s the fake fact check,
Bug people like Vandana Shiva has been talking about the trouble Bill Gates Foundation has caused in India on many fronts.
Joe Biden also claims Republican Governor’s are to blame for anti-vaxers or Vaccine Hesitancy, by making the Covid-19 Vaccine a Political weapons, even though both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris spread anti-vaccine rumors, and conspiracy theory’s when President Trump was in office pushing the vaccines threw the FDA via Operation Warp Speed.
Both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are guilty of spreading miss information when it was politically convenient to attack Trump, but now are trying to force all Americans not only to be Vaccinated, but give up their liberties for a Vaccine Passport, and to include the Vaccine, plus booster shots and twice daily pills in order to Fly, Travel between States, attend school, or work, with an illegal and unconstitutional mandates.
We also see Joe Biden try to correlate January 6th event with Anti Vax, and Trumps Supporters aka MAGA. Joe Biden is threatening legal and military force against Trump supporters by equating Republicans with the Taliban Terrorist by calling all republicans White Supremacist, including sitting members of congress and the Senate, and Republican Governor’s.
We clearly see Democrats coupled with the Liberal media threaten Americans. We can not allow vaccine passports because they this is not to protect Americans Health but to track and control Americans, and punish them for disobeying the Liberal Dictates. This is unconstitutional, and Anti-American.
We also know Joe Biden was not elected but installed by the Deep state who cooperated with the Globalist to create the new world Order, hence the election fraud, mailing ballots, and Hollywood movies that brag about rigging the elections.
We also know that you can spread a virus threw vaccine, where there was no virus… This is called vaccine derived infections. Meaning you can actually make a population of people sick with polio, or influenza where there was no polio or influenza. Apparently in India and Africa, the Bill Gates Foundation spreed polio by giving contaminated ineffective polio vaccines. This type of information about vaccine derived infection regarding the Bill Gates Foundation is often scrubbed from search results, or flagged as debunked or fake news on social networks, but that did not stop the Indian Government from banning the Gates foundation and other NGO’s from operating in their borders for spreading polio and sterilization via vaccines.
This appears to be designed to arrest the domestic American population in order to prevent patriotic Americans from forming Militias to fight against and reform or replace the Federal Government in the event the Federal Government fails or refuses to carry out their civic duties. We know the Federal Government has attack Militias from forming threw-out the 1980’s and 1990’s… This is nothing new.
In sum,
Those who trade their Freedom for Security deserve neither. ~ Benjamin Franklin
In this video we review the 20 year American Afghan war as a result of 9/11, and how American Russia and China have been fighting over Afghanistan as a territorial dispute to prevent each other from building an oil & natural gas pipeline as a part of their Geo Economic Strategic Initiative.
In 2001 George W Bush declared War on Afghanistan without a Declaration of War from the Congress to find and kill Osama bin Laden and to dismantle Al Qaeda; Even though the 9/11 High Jackers and Osama Bin Laden were from Suadi Arabia, not Afghanistan.
In fact, many conspiracy theories claimed the Bush Administration protected Suadi Arabia from investigation into their involvement in 9/11 because Suadi Arabia’s close relationships with the Bush Family, and American Oil Interests in the middle east…
Information in the 2004 9/11 Commissions Report regarding Suadi Arabia’s involvement was classified and redacted for 20 years, only to be released one day after 9/11/2021, and the conclusion of the American Afghani Occupation.
At the time, President Bush said if the Afghanistan’s Taliban will not turn over Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, they are therefore harboring Terrorist and was the reason given to begin Military Occupation of Afghanistan. As opposed to covert search and destroy operations, that do not require the occupation of a country.
Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein was unsympathetic to America being 9/11 attacked, saying America deserved a black eye.
Ironically, Saddam Hussein like Osama Bin Laden were both former allies of America, and were installed by the Americans, as the result of Soviet Russian Afghan War, and Oil wars with Iran, Iraq ext in the middle east…
Saddam Hussein was installed in Iraq as an American puppet to control the Iraq oil Supplies.
Where as Osama Bin Laden was trained by America and their Allies (United States, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and the United Kingdom) along with the Mujahideen(which spawned the Taliban) to resist the Russians as Freedom Fighters, aka Rebels, using American Guerilla Warfare Tactics, and American supplied Stinger Missiles to shoot down Russian Military Aircraft…
This was an attempt to prevent the Russians from establishing a lucrative natural gas and oil pipeline, and harvesting natural resources and mineral deposits. Afghanistan has an estimated One or Two trillion dollars worth of Lithium which could be used for Lithium Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles today…
President Bush linked Saddam Hussein with Osama Bin Ladin and Al Qaeda, saying Saddam Hussein resumed Iraq’s Nuclear Uranium enrichment & ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) program in order to create “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (WMD’s) to use against the United States and their allies…
Which then diverted resources from the Hunt for Osama Bin Landin in Afghanistan and Pakistan(ally and nuclear state) (Pakistan is also where Bin Ladin was ultimately found and killed 10 years later, and the Taliban would hide and train while waiting for the Americans to leave Afghanistan). The United States and the United Kingdom accused Saddam Hussein of harboring Al Qaeda and other international Terrorist, thereby using 9/11 as an excuse to remove Saddam Hussein and take control of Iraq oil fields…
But still, the United States never left Afghanistan saying their exist strategy depended on building an Democratic Government with an Afghan Army strong enough to repel foreigners and rebellion without the Americans help, according to John McCain, otherwise leaving Afghanistan in a power vacuum that will be filled by Pakistan supported Taliban, or China who had/have Plans for their Belt and Road Initiative to place yet another Oil and Gas pipeline, and interstate highway which will connect China to their ally Iran.
Barak Obama’s Administration following the Bush Administration was riddled with scandals that both enriched Establishment Democratic & Neocon Republican Politicians and Supporters. These scandals involved Uranium One, which sold American and Canadian Uranium to the Russian and the Chinese…. Which is direct opposition to George W Bush’s war to control Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
During the Obama Administration, the Obama Admin funded and sanctioned “Operation Fast and Furious” which was a Gun Running operation to arm South American Drug Cartels with American Weapons, which ultimately was used against American ATF Drugs enforcement Officers.
I mentioned “Operation Fast and Furious” to show that Obama Administration was perfectly willing and capable of arming our enemies to serve some ulterior motive, just as the President Carter and then President Regan Administration did in the Iran Contras which included then Governor Bill Clinton, and then Vice President George H W Bush sr. So, we have a long line of Presidents (Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, George H W Bush Jr, and Barack Obama) all funding and conducting illegal wars in the Middle east and around the world. Which appears to be a direct repeat of the Vietnam War.
There are many more scandals which surrounded then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails with Anthony Weiner which exposed a play for play scheme in the State Department, and the White House, that was used as way to enrich the Clintons, Bushes, Obama, Bidens and many other corrupt crony politicians. Clinton Cash outlines many of these scandals during the Obama Administration, that have roots back to the 1970’s
Another scandal that relevant in the 2016, and 2020 Democratic Presidential Election showed the DNC(Democratic National Committee) rigged the DNC Primaries against Bernie Sanders, in favor of Hillary Clinton, and again 2020 Bernie Sanders v Joe Biden. Therefore, showing the elections are rigged. This is not a functioning Democracy, but a Banna Republic.
As for the 2012 Benghazi Embassy Attack which toppled an American Embassy, which brought Hillary Clintons Emails front and center of the controversy. The emails showed Hillary Clinton had conducted many pay to play scandals, on behalf of the Obama Administration, but also keeped a secret email server at a private residence, and evaded the FBI by destroying evidence and hiding her emails. We found the FBI to be complicate in these scandals, and destroying the FBI’s integrity. We learned very quickly there is a double standard for insiders like Hillary Clinton and other Democrats and Neo Con Republicans to conceal the truth from the public.
Julian Assange wiki-leaks revealed a lot of this information to the public which alerted everyone to the Pay For Play activities of the United States Government.
n sum,
The Afghanistan Conflict(s) that has been raging since the 1970’s, was due to a strategic need to secure the land for Oil & Gas Pipelines, which lead to the discovery of 1-3 Trillion dollars of Lithium for electronic devices and vehicles, and the cultivation of secret Opium farms, and Remote Terrorist Training Camps.