In this video we review a brief history of Eugenics as it relates to Planned Parenthood, Social Darwinism, and Vaccines.
It’s important to understand and remind ourselves that what is called Medicine is not always about improving or maintaining our health, but instead Engineering the general population for profit and power/control over the general population.
There are many Moral and Ethical Dilemmas, and Political pitfalls and land minds to talk about when talking about Population Control aka Planned Parent hood…
There are many Moral and Ethical Dilemmas, and Political pitfalls and land minds to talk about when talking about Population Control aka Planned Parent hood…
Who gets to make these decisions anyways?
Who should be allowed to live, or be killed, or allowed to have children?
Should we allow Billionaire Foundation like the Rockefellers Foundation, Carnegie Mellon, and the Bill Gates Foundation to experiment on the Human Race… I think not…
Eugenics is at the heart of The Cast Systems, Social Classes, and Racism ext.
In fact, WW2 exposed how extreme this line of thinking can lead to ie the holocaust. Most people seem to think gen·o·cide is a thing of the past, but in reality more people today are suffering threw a gen·o·cide…
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” ~Albert Einstein