Keynesian Economics | Crypto | Great Reset
In this video we talk about the effects of inflation and hyper inflation in 2021 as the result of quantitive easy, QE 1,2,3, infinity as a consequence of the 2008 credit crisis, and the 2020 coronavirus pandemic stimulus checks and ppe… 6+ Trillion dollars were printed in 2021 alone, with another 6+ Trillion in 2021… coupled with historically low interest rates, we see inflation in housing, food, materials, and all kinds of services and commodities.
Still many of us Deny there is inflation or even doubt inflation is somehow bad… where as others believe inflation could result in the America’s Dollar becoming worthless as it did in Venezuela or pre world war 2 Germany.
Regardless of what people believe about inflation the reality is the wealth gap between the haves and have notes increases when the Federal Reserve prints money gives it to the government and crony corporations, while devaluing the money, by increasing the money supply.
If you had a hard time buying a house for 300k on 50k/year job, you will have even harding time buying that same house for 500k on 50k/year.
because of competing currencies and crypto currencies, China and America are looking to digitize their currency with crypto dollars, while banning Bitcoin, Ethereum ext.
The primary issue with US Digital Dollars is crypto dollars will give the Federal Government insight to every transaction, who what when and where. Thereby turning money into spy ware. Consider the implications of the IRS being able to see all transactions, and potentially sanctioning individuals, groups, churches, and even countries with a click of a button. The IRS could even just reach into your wallet and take money for things like taxes, or Arrears payments or fines.
In sum,
Inflation helps the rich get Richer, and the poor get poorer, while taking power from the people to the Government.
Just saying, think about it…