In this video Glenn Beck interviews Eric Weinstein who explained his theory that institution started in the 1930’s, or 1950’s and 60’s such as Universities, Government Agencies, Corporation’s all have a life span that depends on Growth in order to sustain itself, and its work force’s career’s…
Once an institutions stops growing they begin the maturation process, or decline, and eventually death. So, somewhere in the 1970’s many American institutions reached their peak growth, and began their decline which spanned several decades, threw the 1980’s, and 1990’s…
These institutions were artificially keeped alive threw financial engineering, ie inflation, derivatives, all of which turn into ponzi schemes, aka pyramid schemes. Which resulted in several bubbles, and crashes such as the dot .com crash of 2000, the credit crisis/Great Recession of 2008, and possibly the 2021 UN Agenda the Great Reset.
In each event, we see the Government bail to big to fail corporations, banks, government agencies, and now entire States Economies, by debasing the currency, and other artificial manipulations of the economy.
Because the dollar is unsound, so is the economy, and therefor the government. Corporate Leaders, Investors, Bankers, Politicians, are aware of this, so they begin to form a kleptocracy.
kleptocracy definition, A Government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed. Think about it, doesn’t this explain our political class such as the Clintons, the bushes, Obama’s, Bidens ext.
Sad but True…
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